Ecuadorian oil spill pollutes river, reservoir


The worst spill in the 31-year history of the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (Sote) has blackened riverine habitat in an Andean ecological reserve 37 miles (60 kms) south of Quito and sent crude into a lake that serves as one of the capital’s principal drinking-water sources. Petroecuador, the state oil company, initially reported that the April 8 spill totaled 8,000 barrels, but officials involved in cleanup and repair operations have told EcoAméricas that the true figure is 20,000 barrels. After the rupture occurred in the Cayambe-Coca reserve, crude entered the Sucus River and was carried into Papallacta Lagoon, a natural lake Quito uses as a reservoir. Petroecuador officials said the slick had not reached intakes for the aqueduct leading to Quito... [Log in to read more]

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