Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Photo by Shutterstock)
If Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s first moves in office are an indication, climate and ecosystems protection must lie a long way from the top of his agenda. Since López Obrador took office on Dec. 1, his administration has proposed environmental budget cuts, pushed for stepped-up fossil-fuel development, announced major infrastructure projects before gauging their green impacts and canceled a renewable-electricity auction. Experts say these and other moves suggest a lack of commitment by the left-wing leader, known as AMLO, to provide much-needed environmental protections and to meet the emissions-reduction targets Mexico set for itself as part of the Paris climate accord. To be sure, one of the new president’s first steps—to suspend work on a huge new airport for Mexico City—did please green advocates concerned about the project’s environmental impacts. (See Log in to read more]