Low-tech Zamorano tanks are among the key components of the water-harvesting project being undertaken in Nicaragua by the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center. (Photo by Eugenio Carazo, Catie)
A project in one of Nicaragua’s driest regions is looking to help farmers harvest water for crops, one of the latest efforts to bring relief to families in Central America’s dry corridor in the era of climate change. The Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (Catie) program seeks to help 2,500 families in 10 of Nicaragua’s driest towns build systems that will capture and store water for irrigation. If successful, the model could be replicated across the region, where more frequent dry spells over the past decade have increased crop losses. Catie, an independent, regional research and higher education institute, has identified three ways to help families sequester water, first by ensuring that the natural systems that feed local lakes and ponds are well protected. They will use a computer system containing geographical information to identify slopes that have a 15% incline and ample foliage. These areas are ideal... [Log in to read more]