The 2023 Bojeo Expedition allowed researchers to explore a rich array of coastal habitat as they monitored the health of marine life around the entire island of Cuba over 53 days.
Preliminary results of marine research carried out in the summer 2023 by a group of 24 Cuban scientists gave a mixed picture of the island’s marine environment. El Bojeo, or the circumnavigation, as the 53-day research trip around the island of Cuba was called, examined ocean species and coral reefs as a first step in plotting the future of marine management and conservation programs. (See "Scientists circumnavigate Cuba for marine insights" —EcoAméricas, October 2023.) The expedition, which started and ended in Júcaro, on the country’s southern coast, ran from July 18 to September 8, 2023, coinciding with exceptionally warm sea temperatures in the region. By the end, the participating scientists reported most of the seawater temperature readings they took exceeded 30 degrees Celsius while most of the Caribbean had been at least one degree above average temperatures for... [Log in to read more]