Region looms large, again, in advocate-murder tally


This image of Juan López was displayed during a Sept. 23 prayer service held for him in Tocoa, Honduras. It was posted by an emergency delegation, organized by the U.S.-based SHARE Foundation, that visited López’s family in Tocoa, Honduras, following his murder.

As a report issued this month underscored Latin America’s dubious distinction as the world’s deadliest region for environmental and land-rights defenders, the murder in Honduras of a respected green activist signaled the trend is unlikely to ease anytime soon. The Honduran victim was Juan López, a municipal council member of Tocoa, in the northern department of Colón. Witnesses say López, a husband and the father of two daughters, was shot on Sept. 14, shortly after leaving a church, by a man who approached his car. As an activist and municipal leader, López led opposition to mining in nearby Carlos Escaleras Mejía Botaderos Mountain National Park, a key water source in the region. He also had accused the municipality’s mayor of irregularities and, two days before he was killed, called for the mayor’s resignation. The murder echoed the findings of the latest annual report by Global Witness, a London-based... [Log in to read more]

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