Soybean producers in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso asked a federal court this month to cancel a patent on Monsanto’s latest transgenic soy. The suit argues that Monsanto’s patent for Intacta RR2 PRO, a follow-on product to its first-generation Roundup Ready soy (RR1), violates Brazil’s Industrial Property Law because it does not establish that the product is a genuinely new invention. The lawsuit, filed Nov. 8 by the Mato Grosso branch of Aprosoja, Brazil’s leading soy producers’ association, names Brazil’s National Industrial Property Institute (INPI) as co-defendant because in 2012 the agency granted and registered the patent for Intacta. It argues INPI shouldn’t have done so because Monsanto didn’t provide the agency with the technical information required to evaluate the patent... [Log in to read more]